St. Peter’s Basilica

Posted: February 13, 2013 in Uncategorized


St. Peter’s Basilica was constructed in 1626 by a handful of famous architects whom  include Donato Bramante and Carlo Maderno.  The most famous attribute of the Basilica is the dome at the peak of the building, which was a popular centerpiece on other building architectures during the Italian Renaissance.  The St. Peter’s Basilica dome was blueprinted by Michelangelo, who was also a famous sculptor and painter to go along with his architectural skills.  The Basilica is stationed in the Vatican City, which is the holiest Catholic Christian city in the world, and is where the Pope runs the Roman Catholic (Christian) Church.  The name St. Peter’s Basilica originated from Jesus’s Disciple Simon, who was commonly known as Peter.  Peter is recognized as the founder of the Christian Church, and he is reportedly buried in the foundation underneath the Basilica.  The interior contains exquisite sculptures, artifacts, and stone walls, and is a popular destination spot for many tourists.  The appearance of the Basilica is stunning from afar because it lays alongside the Tiber River, which is the third longest river in Italy.

St.Peter’s Basilica is the holiest Catholic Christian building complex in the world, and houses the most religious and spiritual artifacts in Catholicism.  The entire structure resembles the shape of the cross, which ties into the religion of Christianity and the Pope.  The shape also symbolizes the power of the religion through the crucifixion of Jesus, who Christians believe is the son of God.  The name of the Basilica also ties into the symbolizing shape because St. Peter was one of the leaders who started the Christian Church.  The name, St. Peter, links to Jesus because Peter was one of his Disciples.  Jesus is the most celebrated entity in Christianity, and is linked in every way imaginable, to St.Peter’s Basilica.  The shape and name of St. Peters Basilica symbolize the religion of Christianity and the most important entities in the Catholic Christian Church.

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